我在經過作者 Lan 同意後, 翻譯此篇心得給大家分享.
翻譯不周, 錯誤的地方還請指教見諒.

我是使用我”特製的 Grado”. 我把這付 Grado 換成 RCA 接頭, 這
樣我可以直接接上訊源. 因為中間沒有別的器材, 這樣讓我真正地可以
I'm using my special Grados. They are terminated in RCA
and allow me to plug them directly into sources. This allows
me to really hear things clearly as it gets since it's direct
from the source.
Round 1: emu 0404 analog out (1/4" TS -> RCA convertor)
vs. M-Audio Revo analog out (1/8 -> RCA convertor)
我首先試聽 Revo. 我從來沒有像這樣直接接上耳機來聽過. 真的很
糟, 跟之前比起來, 聲音非常地模糊, 低音非常地不結實. 如果我只聽
過這樣的電腦訊源, 我一定不會用電腦當訊源的.
I listened to the Revo first. I've never listened to it before
with a headphone directly hooked up to it. This was not a
good experience. The sound was blurrier than I am used to
and the bass was bloated. I would be scared of PC audio if I
heard this.
0404 全面超越了 Revo. 一切都更清楚, 更有層次. 低頻扎實有力.
在 0404 還沒 run-in 前, Revo 就已經出局了.
The 0404 was much better in all aspects. Everything was
clearer and more layered. The bass was tighter and
punchier. The End for Revo It was knocked out and the
0404 wasn't even burned in.
Round 2: emu 0404 analog out vs. emu 1820m
(modded and power conditioned)
我首先聽 0404. 聲音很好. 我很滿足於這樣的價格有這樣的表現. 跟
之前我擁有的音效卡比起來(Audiophile 24/96, Audiophile USB),
不過某些樂器的特質沒有被表現出來, 不過我發現這常常發生在”低
價” 的產品中. 也許當 burn-in 之後會比較好.
I listened to 0404 first. Sounds good. I could be happy with
this at this budget. I recall from my previous cards,
Audiophile 24/96, Audiophile USB, I didn't feel this excited
with my tunes. There's a lack of "character" in some
instruments though. I find this typical of a "lesser" setups
so I'm not surprised. Maybe it will improve through burnin.
接下來聽我的 1820M, 一切都更好, 更細緻. 差太遠了.
Going to my 1820m. Everything is better as in more
refined. No contest here either.
回來聽 0404, 我發現高音有些刺耳. 這有可能在經過 burn-in 後會變
好. We shall see.
Going back to 0404. I realize there's something in the
treble which disturbs me. It may settle down after burnin.
We shall see.
Round 3: emu 0404 analog out vs. RME PST analog out
我先聽 RME PST. 聲音有一點不對. 我感覺好像很封閉. 我想我可以
I listened to the RME PST first. There's something about
the sound which isn't right. It makes me feel rather closed
in / claustrophobic. I can probably attribute this to the
soundstage width wasn't very good.
回到 EMU 0404, 音場又回到一般水準. Dynamics 稍微好一點, 不過
不是那麼明顯, 要仔細聽才聽得出來. 細節方面很容易就可以發現多很
Going back to the emu 0404, the soundstage was back into
something more believable. Dynamics was a bit better. Not
that noticible unless you were looking. Detail was better and
you could tell easily.
數位測試. 我使用 Stereovox HDVX 同軸數位線接改過的 Art
DI/O DAC, 以及 Sonicwave 玻璃光纖線接 Panasonic XR25 數位
av 擴大機.
Digital tests. I will be using Stereovox HDXV coax going to
modded ART DI/O DAC and Sonicwave glass toslink going
to Panasonic XR25.
Round 4: emu 0404 vs. ART DI/O (modded MENSA by
BolderCables with their power supply, and my power cable)
我首先是用 DI/O DAC 接同軸數位線到 0404. DI/O 仍然保持著一
慣地特色, 有力量的低音和平順的聲音. 並沒有像 1820m 般那麼多的
細節, 而且高音很清楚. 我是接在跟電腦同一個電源多插上, 這影響了
DAC 的表現. 後來我換到了我的 Balance Power Supply 上, 品質明
顯地增加了. 我想要說的是, 如果你想要外接DAC有最好的表現, 不要
I first tried the DI/O hooked up coax to 0404. The DI/O
exhibited it's general quality of powerful bass and a smooth
sound. It's not as detailed as my 1820m and it was always
obvious in the treble. I hooked it up to the same strip as
the computers which I don't recommend and the
performance was indeed missing something. So I moved it
to my balanced power supply and it did increase in quality
so here it shall remain. My only point here is if you want to
get better performance out of your external DAC, don't
leave it unconditioned "near" the computer's noisey power.
回來聽 0404, 聲音沒有那麼平順可是更多細節. EMU 比較中性.
DI/O DAC 的低音好像太多了一點. 不過這是好是壞完全要看你系統
的配合. 像在我的 K1000 系統上, 我比較喜歡 DI/O “過多”的低音
和他的平順. 不過當我在作 Audio Editing 的時候我需要全部的細節,
Going to the 0404, seems not as smooth but the detail is
back. emu seems a bit more neutral. DI/O's bass seems to
be a bit more pronounced. Now whether this is better is a
matter of preference and system synergy. On my K1000
system, I do appreciate the extra bass of the DI/O and it's
smoothness. I also need maximum detail in my audio
editing tasks so ultimately neither of these ultimately is my
I will test DI/O in extenal sync mode which is slaving it to
the transport and in x2 mode which is 88.2khz internal
clock. I've always preferred the internal clock mode and
double the sampling rate. You can still hear the differences
in transport quality though.
一般來說數位輸出的差異比較小, 不過還是分得出來. 這些差異可能因
為週遭配備的不同, 像是 power supply, mobos, digital cables,
DAC, receiver 等等.
In general it's harder to tell the difference between digital
outputs but they are still there. The differences are
probably system specific like our power supplies, mobos,
digital cable, DACs, receivers etc. are all different.
Round 5: emu 0404 coax digital out vs. M-Audio Revo coax
digital out.
Revo 很明顯地差很多. 最大的差異在於高音變得刺耳, 低音沒有細
節, 音場稍小, 破碎. 比較差的數位輸出讓聲音變不舒服. 對 Jitter 比
較有抵抗力的 DAC 可能會比較好.
Revo is clearly worst. From most noticible difference to
least, the treble has become harsh, bass is a little less
defined, soundstage is a teeny bit more collapsed. Lesser
quality digital outs makes things a bit unpleasant. A DAC
which is more immune to incoming jitter maybe not exhibit
much misfortune.
Round 6: emu 0404 coax digital out vs. emu 1010 (1212m,
1820, 1820m's digital card) coax digital out.
我改過的 1010 很明顯地比較細緻, 很容易跟 0404 區分.
The modded 1010 is more refined and is easily discernable
compared to the 0404.
Round 7: emu 0404 coax digital out vs. RME PST coax
digital out.
RME PST 聽起來比較平板, 少細節. 但是並沒有像 Revo 一樣很明顯
地糟糕. 0404 的數位輸出讓我比較容易投入音樂.
The RME PST sounded rather flat and had a bit less detail.
It's a bit hard to tell as it wasn't offensive like the Revo
though. The 0404's digital out was more involving to listen
Round 8: emu 0404 coax digital out vs. emu 0404 optical
digital out
兩個數位輸出都接到 Panasonic XR25 和 Magnepan MMG. 光纖輸
出明顯地勝出, 一切都比較好.
Both digital outs went to Panasonic XR25 digital amp and
my Magnepan speakers. The clear winner was the optical
output. The highs were crisper, bass tighter, overall
imaging better.
Round 9: emu 0404 optical digital out vs. M-Audio Revo
coax digital out.
Revo 比較吃虧因為他只有同軸輸出. 有趣的是, 聲音在同軸輸出比較
差, 但是是跟 0404 不一樣的. Revo 的數位輸出一樣地清晰, 不過少
了點細節, 高音一樣刺耳.
Revo is at a disadvantage since it has a coax only output.
Interestingly, the sound is worst on this coax but different
than it was on the 0404's coax. The Revo's digital ouput is
also crisp, but seemingly a little less detailed but the highs
are harsh again.
Round 10: emu 0404 optical digital out vs. emu 1010
(1212m, 1820, 1820m's digital card) optical digital out.
可以分辨出 EMU 的自家聲底. 改過地 1010 仍然明顯地更細緻.
You can tell the emu's are related to each other as they
have a similar sound presentation. The modded 1010 is still
clearly more refined.
Round 11: emu 0404 optical digital out vs. RME PST optical
digital out.
聲音很接近. RME 的高音比較明顯. 我想一些人會覺得刺耳煩躁.
RME 的細節少一點.
The sound is a bit close. The RME has this treble attack
which is more pronounced. I think this may be annoying or
harsh to some. RME's detail is a little bit less.
EMU 0404 RMAA Result
RMAA 16bit 44.1khz result
RMAA 24bit 44.1khz result
The results maybe limited by the cheaper ADC.